Designing & conducting ethnographic research

  • 1999 - 220 pages - 1 Volumes
  • Auteurs : Margaret D. LeCompte - Jean J. Schensul
  • Edition : London, Altamira Press
  • Langues : Anglais

Description :

The Ethnographer’s Toolkit begins with an overview volume that defines the ethnographic enterprise, links research strategies to theoretical paradigms, and outlines the ways in which an ethnographic study can be designed.

Using practical, straight-forward language, the authors of this volume then introduce readers to the ethnographic process, identifying issues, choices, and techniques covered in greater depth in other kit volumes, including chapters on the personal qualities of a good researcher and on research ethics. As a guide to the contents of the Toolkit, or as a standalone introduction to ethnography, this volume will be extremely valuable to all novice ethnographers.